• 超高人氣旅遊達人Taxi 帥哥司機帶您玩遍北台灣
  • High popularity Tourism Daren Taxi guy driver takes you Wanbian the northern Taiwan
  • 指定台灣大車隊型男帥哥小隊長(陳威廷 Wei Ting) 編號13111 八年資歷用最專業貼心細心的服務陪您上山下海!~
  • Specify the Taiwan fleet sportsman handsome captain (Wei Ting chen )No. 13111years seniority with the most professional caring and attentive service accompany you up the mountain to the sea! 
  • 威廷熟知之熱門景點:
  • Wei Ting -known popular attractions
  • 有台北小上海之稱的瑞芳黃金山城九份老街吃芋圓,  黃金博物館淘金去, 陽明山國家公園竹子湖採海芋.
  • Taipei to Shanghai Juifang mining town Jiufen Old Street go eat taro balls, the Gold Museum Gold Rush, Yangmingshan National Park Bamboo Lake mining calla lilies.
  • 故宮博物院尋寶p.s:禁止穿夾拖鞋藍白拖鞋唷!
  • National Palace Museum treasure hunt p.s: forbidden to wear slippers
  • 英式與日式結合建築物北投溫泉博物館, 宜蘭遼闊平原美景與冬山河 .
  • Japan and the United Kingdom combined buildings nostalgia Beitou Hot Spring Museum, vast plains beauty Dongshan River in Yilan
  • 宜蘭烏石港衝浪客的人間天堂,  宜蘭蘇澳泡冷泉 澳迪品嚐最新鮮的海鮮 ,藍天碧海東北角海岸拍攝美麗照片, 漫遊北海岸三芝鄉淺水灣戲水觀音山國家公園.
  • Should Lan Wu Shek Kong surfers paradise, should center piece O bubble Lengquan enjoy the freshest seafood, clear water and blue sky Northeast Coast shooting beautiful photos, roaming the north coast Sanchih Township Repulse swimming Guanyin Mountain National Park.
  • 淡水老街漁人碼頭黃昏遊河, 新店水漾碧潭風景區吊橋下坐天鵝船, 三峽鶯歌陶瓷老街龍潭石門大溪老街
  • Danshui Old Street Fisherman's Wharf evening swim the river, the swan boat ride in the the new store Shuiyang Bitan Scenic drawbridge, Three Gorges Yingge Ceramics Street Longtan Shimen Daxi Old Street
  • 等私房景點..... 帶給您最難忘豐富的福爾摩沙之旅~
  • other private houses attractions to unforgettable tour of northern Taiwan


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